اإلنفاق يف ج ه انرب اإلحسان أبعاده االلتصاد ت Spending in the object of Charity and economic dimensions اندكت ر. س ري اسني حسني اجلامعت انعرال ت / كه

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1 اإلنفاق يف ج ه انرب اإلحسان أبعاده االلتصاد ت Spending in the object of Charity and economic dimensions اندكت ر. س ري اسني حسني اجلامعت انعرال ت / كه ت انشر عت Dr. Suri Yassin Hussein Iraqi University - college of Sharia املمدمت

2 أ ال: معىن اإلنفاق املبحث األ ل املطهب األ ل: معىن اإلنفاق حكمو.1 چ ڳ ڱ ڱ ڱ ڱ ں ں ڻ ڻ ڻ ڻە ە ہ ہ ہ چ

3 چ ڈ ڈ ژ ژ,, ڑ ڑ ک ک ک ک گ گ گ گ ڳ چ

4 چ ٱ ٻ ٻ ٻ ٻ پ پ پ پ ڀ ڀ ڀ ڀ ٺ ٺ ٺ ٺ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٹ ٹ ٹ ٹ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڦ ڦ ڦ ڦ ڄ ڄ ڄ ڄ ڃ ڃ ڃڃ چ چ چ چ ڇ ڇڇ ڇ ڍ ڍڌ ڌ ڎ ڎ ڈ چ


6 املطهب انثان فضم اإلنفاق أىم تو ڻ ڻ ڻڻ ە ە ہ ہ ہ ہ ھ ھ چ چ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڱ ڱ ڱ ڱ ں ں

7 چ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٹٹ ٹ ٹ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڦڦ ڦ ڦ ڄ ڄڄ ڄ ڃ ڃ ڃ ڃ, چ چ ڍ ڌ ڌ ڎ ڎ ڈڈ ژ ژ ڑ ڑ ک کک ک گ گ گ گ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڱ چ البقرة: ٢٧٢

8 چ گ گ گ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڱ ڱ ڱ ڱ ں ںڻ ڻ ڻ ڻ ە ە ہ ہ ہ ہ ھ ھھ ھ ے ے ے ے چ البقرة: ٢٦٧ چ چ البقرررة: ٢٦٢ چ ي ۇ ي ۇ ي ۆ ي ۆ ي ۈ ي ۈ ي ې ي ې ي ې ي ى ي ىي ى ی ی ی ی ي ج ٣٣ ي حي م ي ى ي ي بج بح چ سرب:: چ ڃ ڃ ڃ ڃ چچ چ چ ڇ ڇ ڇ ڇ ڍ ڍڌ ڌ ڎ ڎ ڈ ڈ ژ ژڑ ڑ ک ک ک ک گ چ الطالق: ٧

9 ڳڳ ڱ ڱ ڱ ڱ ں ں ڻ ڻ چ الحديد: چ ک گ گ گ گ ڳ ڳ چ ڻ ە ە ہ ہ ہ ہ ھ ھ ھ ھ ے ے ے ے چ البلد: چ - ١١ ٹ ٹ ٹ ٹ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڦ ڦ ڦ ڦ ڄ ڄ ڄ ڄ ٣-١ المرعون:: چ - چ جم حج حم خج خح خم سج سح سخ سم صح صم ضج ضح ضخ ضم چ المردرر: ٤٢ ٤٤ املطهب انثانث مراتب اإلنفاق ض ابطو

10 ٹ ٹ ڃ ڃ ڃ چ چ چ ي ۈ ي ې ي ېي ې ي ى ي ى ي ى ی ی ی ی ي ج ي ح ي م ي ىي ي بج بح بخ بم بى بي تج تح تخ چ البقرة: ٢١٥

11 ٹ ٹ ڃ ڃ ڃ چ چ چ ڃ چ چ چ چ ڇ ڇ ڇ ڇ ڍ ڍڌ ڌ ڎ ٤-٣ ڎ ڈ ڈ ژ ژ ڑ چ األنفرع::

12 ٹ ٹ ڃ ڃ ڃ چ چ چ ڦ ڍ ڍ ڌ ڌ ڎ ڎ ڈ ڈ ژ ژ ڑ ڑ ک چ التنبت: ٣٤

13 ٹ ٹ ڃ ڃ ڃ چ چ چ ٱ ٻ ٻ ٻ ٻ پ پ پ پ ڀ ڀ ڀ ڀ ٺ ٺ ٺ ٢٦٥ ٺ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٿ ٹ ٹٹ ٹ ڤ ڤ ڤ ڤ چ البقررة:

14 املبحث انثان األبعاد االلتصاد ت نإلنفاق

15 املطهب األ ل ا ثار االلتصاد ت نإلنفاق عهى االستيالن إعادة ت ز ع اندخم

16 الداريعث: چ ڳ ڳ ڳ ڱ ڱ ڱ چ ١٣


18 املطهب انثان ا ثار االلتصاد ت عهى اإلنتاج االستثمار


20 املطهب انثانث آثار اإلنفاق عهى انت ظ ف حتم ك انتنم ت االلتصاد ت


22 خامتت ت ص اث


24 Conclusion Dont be a summary or conclusion reprtition to the contents of the search, but I've seen some opinions and recommendations and the new proposals, which did not find a suitable place in the course of the search, and for the purpose of completing and enriching some of its paragraphs, including 1. The rule legitimacy from which the right and duty of spending in the faces of charity, identified Islamic economic thought: that the ownership of things to God, and that human Mstkhalaf them, under the theory of succession this enjoined Bari - most would - rights to the money the rich to the poor people and Manajém outside the specified Zakat funds and disbursed in the eight brands, to contribute to the transfer of money from being a tool for hoarding and speculation to her job that I found for it, being an intermediary for exchanges to achieve mutual interests and benefits among the people 2. constitute the funds obtained by the poor and destitute income by spending benefactors - whatever their status - an application and component down works on the Move consumption, and affects the levels of production and investment, and contributes to the effects distributional to income levels, would reduce inequality, which

25 deepens grudges and unrest, and the accompanying disorders and mesmerized. And most of the uprisings and revolutions that you get today only because of the injustice of the rich to the poor, and the injustice of the ruling for his flock and deprive them of their rights imposed by the Almighty God to them. Therefore, the people's happiness comes from forcing money to serve the community, and avoid hoarding of spending, mutual benefits and good things of goods, buying and selling and satisfy the needs of mankind, leading to the rapid circulation, and create a balance between the actual demand and the actual display at the fair price that does not damage any party counterparties in the market 3. We recommend providing fertile ground to help the expansion of spending and ensure its sustainability, develop national programs and institutional to study the situation of social groups affected economically - especially - left behind by the new situation with the start of the Arab Spring, and this spending will be on two levels, first: the right of the poor to be on State to allocate grants emergency or salaries cut to these segments, providing adequate housing them to establish the role of the low cost., as well as creating centers shelters for orphans, the disabled and and displaced persons and beggars of them, and owners need anxious of the oppressed, with compensation the families of the victims of killings, abductions and displacement of individuals, and the victims of the role and property damage physical. And enforced disappearances The second level: Fella relevant to the right to be on the rich people and Mhassaném and charities direction of the poor and vulnerable, while not neglecting the role of the visual media, radio and the press, and the work of political activists and economists and social development of media awareness towards the delivery of in-kind and livelihoods to isolated areas and trapping

26 economically, can not be Monetary lead alone and its main function 4. Activating the role of banks and economic institutions to do its part in spending deduct part of their annual earnings and allocated to the segments of disadvantaged groups, and to provide AQAH to establish productive projects "small and medium" to absorb unemployment and increase the volume of use, and to achieve the purposes of cultural and social the application of science and treatment of patients, and the marriage to immunize young people from engaging in acts of vandalism, looting and practice extremism and vengeance of the state due to unemployment, poverty and injustice practiced in rich countries can provide for their children fairly enough of a decent life It has been seen after the events (2003 m) in Iraq, how encouraged grants and loans professions of blacksmiths, carpenters and tailors to engage in the economic process and build the country despite the limitations, as well as how affected humanitarian situations and spending haves and charitable institutions in multiple payment methods when individuals and thus increase demand total consumption, which was reflected in the revitalization of the national economy reasonably well 5. To encourage the media and Muslim on the exercise of the stay, urging the imprisonment of funds for the benefit and interests of charity, and to provide free services, one of the channels that help to supplement and ensure the continuation of spending and the expansion of good deeds and good works, with employment and investment funds endowment and development in economic projects for the benefit of those who stood these funds for it, while ensuring the delivery of livelihood and summer and winter cladding to the beneficiaries. And play the Department of Investment endowment now this task which Ntosm good to expand and diversify its services to include a larger

27 segments. I commend in this regard on the leading role of personalities Islamic who enriched recently this important aspect of Islamic legislation, via satellite adopting a program organized and shared between channels to advertise their spending and donation in the faces of good and reform and cooperation, even now can benefactors Declaration on the type and amount of the donation is in place and his, and in this initiative was a reason for following the example of people with each other in spending a preponderant interest 6. We propose the establishment of national institutions branching reported bodies to charity, and committees to support the people affected and besieged, and the Organization for the care of orphans and maternal and child holds the announcement of voluntary contributions for the purpose of collection, a work of acts of kindness and cooperation to achieve the continuous improvement of human rights and the community As a result, the expected good work of these institutions and charities, is calling the cash market for the exercise of his job and a medium of exchange rather than obscured and hoarding. Here we touch today awakening when some economists contemporary Arab and foreign - especially after the recent global financial crisis - the need to adopt methods and decades of economic Islamic believes the presence of criticism for trading, and fragmentation of wealth and distributed equitably, and calls to move away from sales phantom such as sales contracts, purchase and sale receivables and religion without irreversible, which was one of the most important factors of these recurrent crises, and I remember at the end of said head the International Monetary Fund current which part of the mark on the Qara Daghi expert in Islamic Economics, said to him: "I want you to help us economy Islamic save us from gambling and ambiguity spoiler for financial transactions. " Almighty God, we ask that reconciles all Muslims to continue spending, and the fruitful work

28 product, it's what he wants capable, Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds املصادر املراجع



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